
some thought about augmented reality (ar)
(before and after sxsw)


1 ar is localized
  ar -> {x sub y}

2 ar is interference (googleglass)

3 ar is distancing (lorenz, ethology, avoidive behavior)
in terms of active engagement
  drawing distinction, 'defoliation'

4 ar is technology- and corporate- dependent
  capital multiflux jitters, hyper-hyperbole

5 ar is protocol- and codec- dependent
  codework internalized

6.ar is clever
  ar is w(W)ired

7 ar has the potential for deep history and deep ecology

8 ar like tablets creates class distinctions in the school
  capital / Kapital

9 ar needs to get rid of external in favor of embedded
  on the level of the sensory aegis

10 ar is coming whatever one thinks of it: ar is here
  corporate, ar -> {W}

11 ar may be distancing in terms of passive engagement -
think of issues of slaughter, pain, resource consumption,
  image epistemology, bypass surgery, suture

12 ar will increasingly be independent of technological
sophistication on the part of the user
  autonomic somaticism

13 military drones are the most sophisticated application
of ar: why are we not making the connection?
  tunneling effects, embedded theory

14 w/ googleglass privacy is destroyed: the third person
devours the first person transformed into the second
  ar will talk not to you but among you

15 does augmentation always improve the quality of our
  lifeworlds and does it matter?

16 ar is useful in specific situations - say, the
location of mines in mine-fields, in surgeries, in
situations that involve specificity and deep knowledge
  deep geographies, geopolitics

17 ar is useful as a demonstration of ar, of what lies
behind the ordinary - mark skwarek's erasure of the dmz
  but what lies behind is digital, truth is problematic,
  anything may be inserted

18 in this sense ar is highly useful as a symbolic
  or the symbolic

19 and in this sense the recording of ar for others is
equally useful as a symbolic construct - it presents
the subjunctive
  potential individual communality beneath the sign of

20 ar -> digital over or among analog - what are the
phenomenologies here? what are the potentials or
dangers, what entanglements, what flows of capital?


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