On 06/03/2018 12:04, Bogaert, Bart (Nokia - BE/Antwerp) wrote:


Just to clarify: in this case we are not changing the model, it is the same model but the device SW in release X is not supporting the feature and in release Y it is.  Supporting the feature results in adding that part of the tree to the configuration that is related to the feature and the data leafs related to that feature are simply not there in the data configured when SW release X was active.

Yes, but an equivalent way of writing this without a feature, and ignoring namespaces, would be put the feature nodes into a separate YANG module (F) which augments the base module (B).

In release X, the device only supports B.
In release Y, the device supports B and F.

But YANG would not allow F to augment B with a mandatory node for the reasons described previously.  Hence, I think that it is probably an oversight that YANG allows this.

Probably it should go on the YANG 2.0 issue tracker to consider and potentially disallow this.


Regards, Bart

*From:*Robert Wilton [mailto:rwil...@cisco.com]
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 6, 2018 12:59 PM
*To:* Bogaert, Bart (Nokia - BE/Antwerp) <bart.boga...@nokia.com>
*Cc:* netmod@ietf.org
*Subject:* Re: [netmod] Guideline on modeling including features and phased support by a device

Arguably the guidelines, or YANG, should say "don't allow this" ;-)

I think that what you are describing is just another instance of "don't augment with a mandatory node rule", or "only backwards compatible changes revisions should be made to a published YANG module".

The key reasoning behind these rules is that the a client should be able to work unchanged after the server has been upgraded, as long as they are not making use of any new functionality.


On 06/03/2018 11:34, Bogaert, Bart (Nokia - BE/Antwerp) wrote:

    Hi Rob,

    I agree but the fact is that some of the BBF models have
    constructions like that and we were wondering whether this should
    not be mentioned in the guildelines document.  Normally a server
    can’t set config true leafs if there is no default available in
    the model.  That is the reason we reached out to NETMOD.  Your
    suggestions can work but require adaptation of the current model.

    Regards, Bart

    *From:*Robert Wilton [mailto:rwil...@cisco.com]
    *Sent:* Tuesday, March 6, 2018 10:38 AM
    *To:* Bogaert, Bart (Nokia - BE/Antwerp) <bart.boga...@nokia.com>
    <mailto:bart.boga...@nokia.com>; netmod@ietf.org
    *Subject:* Re: [netmod] Guideline on modeling including features
    and phased support by a device

    Hi Bart,

    I think that the best solution to problem is perhaps to avoid it
    altogether.  I.e. I don't think that the only-if-featureleaf
    should be marked mandatory.  Instead, it would be better to define
    a sensible default value/behaviour if the leaf is absent even when
    the feature is supported.

    Alternatively, you can simulate something similar to an if-feature
    statement by using a when or must expression instead that is
    predicated on a leaf that the client must explicitly set to enable
    the feature, giving control back to the client.

    E.g. something along the lines of ...

    leaf enable-super-feature {
      if-feature test-feature;
      type boolean;
      default "false";


          leaf only-if-feature {

            when '/enable-super-feature = "true"';

            type string;

            mandatory true;


    It would be interesting if you have a concrete example where
    neither of the above suggestions would work or be appropriate.


    On 05/03/2018 09:25, Bogaert, Bart (Nokia - BE/Antwerp) wrote:


        We have a question with respect to YANG models using
        features.  Assume that a part of the model is defined under a
        feature and that this feature-dependent part defines a leaf as

        module servers {

          namespace "http://www.example.com/servers";;

          prefix servers;

          import ietf-inet-types {

            prefix inet;


          revision 2018-03-01 {


               "Initial version.";


          feature test-feature {

            description "testing feature";


          container servers {

            list server {

              key name;

              max-elements 64;

              leaf name {

                type string;


              leaf ip {

                type inet:ip-address;

                mandatory true;


              leaf port {

                type inet:port-number;

                mandatory true;


              leaf only-if-feature {

                if-feature test-feature;

                type string;

                mandatory true;





        Now assume that we have a device that implements the model
        step-wise by first not supporting this feature and in a
        sub-sequent release by supporting this feature (and uses a
        persistent running datastore).  The question arising now is
        how to deal with this mandatory leaf?  Normally this can only
        be configured by a client, meaning that without any “help”,
        the NC server will not be able to startup with the data
        contained in the device’s persistent datastore unless a value
        is set for the mandatory leaf that now becomes available as a
        result of supporting the feature.

        When modeling as follows it seems the NC server can start with
        the model supporting the feature that was not supported before:

        module servers {

          namespace "http://www.example.com/servers";;

          prefix servers;

          import ietf-inet-types {

            prefix inet;


          revision 2018-03-01 {


               "Initial version.";


          feature test-feature {

            description "testing feature";


          container servers {

            list server {

              key name;

              max-elements 64;

              leaf name {

                type string;


              leaf ip {

                type inet:ip-address;

                mandatory true;


              leaf port {

                type inet:port-number;

                mandatory true;


              container only-if-feature {

                presence "see if this helps";

                if-feature test-feature;

                leaf only-if-feature {

                  type string;

                  mandatory true;






        Are recommendations or guidelines in place to deal with this?

        Regards, Bart


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