In article <>,
   lists <> wrote:
> In article <>,
>    Dave Symes <> wrote:
> > > I use !Bookmaker, works fine.

> > Thank you Stuart.

> > She doesn't.

> Sorry, should have been more clear. My suggestion is to use !BookMaker.

> With !BookMaker running and boxes created, when I click "Add to hotlist",
> I get a list of the boxes in !BookMaker I can choose to add to.

We used to use Bookmaker a lot, but we stopped using Bookmaker because it
didn't interface with NetSurf.

I see it now can, but it doesn't appear to interface very well as when I
Add to Hotlist I don't get a choice of what directory it goes in, it just
puts it in the default place.

Anyway, it appears She's sorted and has no intention of doing anything other.



Dave Triffid

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