On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, TriOptimum wrote:

> Actually, its easy to switch between the two. Change the /etc/X11/X symlink
> so
> that it is pointing to /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86 (for 4.0) instead of
> /sr/X11R6/bin/SVGA (or whatever) that it is in 3.3.6.
> To see which version you're running, at a prompt type XFree86 -version
> -Chris

Grazie! Perņ ho provato a cambiare il link ma il server non mi
parte. L'errore č il seguente:

 Fatal server error:
 no screens found

Inoltre, indipendentemente da dove punta questo link, dando 
XFree86 -version trovo sempre che ho la versione 4!

Sapete x caso cosa posso provare a fare?
> On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> > I think that X 4.0 writes over x 3.3.6 so you may have a prob using both
> > on the same system. I my be wrong, someone will correctr me, but i think
> > it is near on in possible, plus there is no reson to use 3.3.6 and  4 at
> > the same time, just use the one that supoorts you card the best.
> >
> Ti posto cosa hanno risposto a me con la stessa domanda!
> > Mark Hillary
> >
> > TriOptimum wrote:
> >
> > >  How can i tell linux to use the xfree4.0 or the xfree3.6.6? How can i
> > > switch between them? Is there a file where it stores what xfree to
> > > load after the boot sequence?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Davide" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 7:36 PM
> Subject: [newbie-it] X
> > Come faccio a sapere che versione di Xfree86 sto usando? Ho upgradato a
> > mandrake 7.1 che so installa la versione 4.0, ma come posso scegliere
> > di usare questa o la precedente versione di X?
> >
> > Grazie
> >
> >

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