Per Luca,
Non dovrebbe essere un winmodem ,essendo un adattatore ISDN....
Ti allego un thread di qualche tempo fa in formato testo,e' scritto
in Inglese ma fa proprio al caso tuo.
Se hai bisogno di aiuto per la traduzione,fammi sapere entro oggi ,siccome
per un po saro' via dalla lista.

===== Original Message from Andrea Celli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at 
9/10/00 10.19
> Luca Martinazzi wrote:
> Ho la Mandrake 7.1, un modem Winbond interno su una PCI, .........

Sicuro che e` compatibile con Linux?
Ha tanto l'aria di essere un winmodem :-((

Prova a dare un'occhiata a

ciao, Andrea
 installed Mandrake dist 7.1, which went smoothly. I had some
> with my ISDN card, which is an unbranded one, although I have worked out
> that it is manufactured by Asuscom. It is PCI and doing cat /proc/pci
> gives me:
>  Bus  0, device  12, function  0:
>    Network controller: Winbond Unknown device (rev 0).
>      Vendor id=1050. Device id=6692.
>      Medium devsel.  IRQ 5.
>      Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe8101000 [0xe8101000].
>      I/O at 0x9800 [0x9801].
> Hence I presume that this is a Winbond device.
> Looking in the instructions for HiSax that I located on
> I figured
> my card was type 36. Protocol will be 2, since I am in Spain.
> In order to install, I followed the instructions given in
> The first line of these
> instructions state that the 7.1 ISDN package is broken, and hence I have
> upgraded the kernel (a voyage of discovery for me!) and the isdn4k-utils
> package through RPM.
> The versions are now:
> Kernel 2.2.16-9mdk
> isdn4k-utils-3.1b7-6mdk
> isdn4net-1.4.3-3mdk
Your problem is that the versions of isdn4k-utils and isdn4net are still TOO NEW. I 
recommend that you download isdn4k-utils-3.1b1-4mdk.i586 and 
isdn4net-1.4.1-3mdk.noarch. In other words, you need to update your kernel to 
2.2.16-9mdk using the source file, run "make xconfig" to configure your ISDN setup. 
reboot and install isdn4linux and isdn4net (versions above).
Why Mandrake don't come out and say all this beats me!

> Following the instructions, I type in:
> modprobe hisax type=36 protocol=2
> Nothing happens, and for this I presume that all is OK.
> When I go to start the isdn4linux service, like this:
> [root@localhost /root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/isdn4linux restart
> I get the following message:
> Configuring kernel for dynamic ip re-routing
> Configuring kernel for dynamic ip re-routing
> Shutting down isdn4linux
> Shutting down isdn/ippp devices (if any)
> 873: no process killed
> Unloading ISDN drivers ...
> Configuring kernel for dynamic ip re-routing
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/isdn4linux: unknown I4L_TYPE: 36
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/isdn4linux: exiting!
> For some reason, isdn4linux doesn't know about type 36.
> In order to try everything out ;-) I issued the following command:
> [root@localhost /root]# insmod hisax.o type=36 protocol=2
> As a response I got this:
> hisax.o: kernel-module version mismatch
>        hisax.o was compiled for kernel version 2.2.12
>        while this kernel is version 2.2.16-9mdk.
> So, the question is:
> Is there anything fundamentally flawed in my approach here, and where can
> get a hisax.o file that has been compiled for 2.2.16-9? I tried
the --force
> option, but there was no luck there either.
> If someone could please give me a bit of 'hand-holding' with this, since I
> don't know where to start. I have looked to a hisax.o file, but all I can
> find are the component 'parts' (.h, .c) . If I have to get it in 'parts'
> which parts should I get and what should I do with them?
> Thanks in advance

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