salve ragazzi...ho installato mdrk 7.1 e tutto è ok, ad un certo punto (forse ho combinato qualche casino da inesperienza...) all'avvio di linux mi compare, tra l'altro, una serie di errori che non comprendo...è grave? cosa ho combinato?

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: /initrd/loopfs/lnx4win/linuxsys.img contains a file system with errors, check forced.

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Pass 2: Checking directory structure

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Setting filetype for entry 'fs-1' in

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: tmp/.font-unix (85957) to 6.

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Pass 4: Checking reference counts

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Pass 5: Checking group summary information

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Free blocks count wrong for group #0 (14201, counted=14262).

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Fix? yes

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Free blocks count wrong for group #4 (16147, counted=16154).

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Fix? yes

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Free blocks count wrong for group #6 (8298, counted=8387).

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Fix? yes

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Free blocks count wrong for group #7 (9482, counted=9531).

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Fix? yes

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Free blocks count wrong (80127, counted=80333).

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Fix? yes

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Free inodes count wrong for group #0 (9303, counted=9302).

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Fix? yes

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Directories count wrong for group #0 (489, counted=490).

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Fix? yes

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Free inodes count wrong (74487, counted=74486).

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: Fix? yes

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: /initrd/loopfs/lnx4win/linuxsys.img: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****

Oct 28 10:34:20 localhost fsck: /initrd/loopfs/lnx4win/linuxsys.img: 53514/128000 files (0.1% non-contiguous), 175667/256000 blocks


PS una volta avviato tutto sembra tranquillo e funzionante... grazie in anticipo per l'aiuto, osva


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