ho installato mk 8.1
gcc 3.00 c++ 3.0 etc
kde no gnome
kernel 2.4.16
locale è quello che è

e ogni volta che compilo ho i seguenti problemi
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
        LANGUAGE = "it_IT:it",
        LC_ALL = (unset),
        LC_MESSAGES = "it_IT@euro",
        LC_TIME = "it_IT@euro",
        LC_NUMERIC = "it_IT@euro",
        LC_CTYPE = "it_IT@euro",
        LC_MONETARY = "it_IT@euro",
        LC_COLLATE = "it_IT@euro",
        LANG = "it"
        are supported and installed on your system.
        perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
        perl: warning: Setting locale failed.

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