Grazie 1000!
Questo software sembra splendido...
una chicca per quel che stavo cercando...
ti ringrazio moltissimo !!!

Cu s%N!
Ciaociao & Byez ! L8r \\marco
[www] |||
[icq] 19758469

] do you have an opinion ?
] a mind of your own ?
] i thought you were special.
] i thought you should know.
] but i've run out of patience,
] i couldn't care less.

] now i lay me down to sleep,
] pray the Lord my soul to keep,
] if i die before i wake,
] pray the Lord my soul to take.

] 10 hippopotamuses to change your mind.

] Dance! Even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

] oh my God, it's full of stars!

----- Original Message -----
From: "CyberDevil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 4:37 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] mandrake 8.0 su win2k

> > E' possibile far girare la versione 8.0 da una sessione Windows 2000?
> > Esiste qualche software per caricare Linux da W2k?
> --
> <-->--CyberDevil--<-->
> " Se non sai a cosa serve disinstallalo !!! "

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