> ho lo scanner in oggetto funzionante sotto mand 9.0:
> 1) cambiando premessi di /dev/scanner in rw-rw-rw-
> 2) mettendo in /etc/sane.d/dll.conf solo la riga
> plustek
> 3) in /etc/sane.d/plustek.conf:
> remmando tutto quello che c'e'prima di [usb]
> mettendo
> [usb] 0x03f0 0x0605
>sopratutto dopo essere impazzito non mi sono fidato di dove dice
> 'autodetection is safe', remmando quindi
> device/usbscanner
> e mettendoalla fine
> device /dev/usb/scanner0

Dato che sono un po' na schiappa è corretto remmare cosi ?
# enable the next line if you want to allow access through the network:
# Plustek-SANE Backend configuration file
# For use with Plustek parallel-port scanners and
# LM9831/2/3 based USB scanners
# For parport devices use the parport section
device /dev/pt_drv

# leave the default values as specified in /etc/modules.conf
option warmup    -1
option lOffOnEnd -1
option lampOff   -1

# The USB section:
# each device needs at least two lines:
# - [usb] vendor-ID and product-ID
# - device devicename
# i.e. for Plustek (0x07B3) UT12/16/24 (0x0017)
[usb] 0x03f0 0x0605
device /dev/usb/scanner0

# additionally you can specify some options
# warmup, lOffOnEnd, lampOff
# For autodetection use
# [usb]
device /dev/usb/scanner0
# NOTE: autodetection is safe, as it uses the info it got
#       from the USB subsystem. If you're not using the
#       autodetection, you MUST have attached that device
#       at your USB-port, that you have specified...


# options for the previous USB entry
# switch lamp off after xxx secs, 0 disables the feature
option lampOff 0

# warmup period in seconds, 0 means no warmup
option warmup 30

# 0 means leave lamp-status untouched, not 0 means switch off
# on sane_close
option lOffOnEnd 0

# options to tweak the image start-position
# (WARNING: there's no internal range check!!!)
# for the normal scan area
option posOffX 0
option posOffY 0

# for transparencies
option tpaOffX 0
option tpaOffY 0

# for negatives
option negOffX 0
option negOffY 0

# for adjusting the default gamma values
option redGamma         1.0
option greenGamma       1.0
option blueGamma        1.0
option grayGamma        1.0

# and of course the device-name
device /dev/usbscanner

# to define a new device, start with a new section:
# [usb] or [parport]

i permessi dovrebbero essere OK..mi mancano solo questi due file da


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