On Mon, 08 Feb 1999 08:36:58 -0500, you wrote:

>>If he can wait a bit, he should be able to get the 5.3 release of
>>Mandrake release.  Downloaded it and just installed it and seems the
>>biggest changes in it are in the KDE desktop.  It added the 1.1
>Is this release also going to be available as an ISO image? When will it be up?

Its apparently an unannounced release.  It is available now at all the
sites that carry the Mandrake releases.  A list of the mirror sites is
available at www.linux-mandrake.com.  Most of them, from what I have
seen are carrying the 5.3 ISO image.  I got it and burned one and
upgraded my system.  However, there did seem to be a problem with this
in that in KDE desktop, it duplicated all of my icons and menu items.
So I basically had two of everything in the menus in KDE.   I rebooted
several times hopeing that the duplicates would go away, but they
didnt.  When I deleted some of the duplicates, I discovered I could no
longer use the menu icons that were left.  Not sure exactly what
happened.  Anyway....I just started over and re-installed the works.
The new install went fine, no problems there, and I am back up and
running.  If the installation was hard, as in some releases, It would
not be something that I would attempt lightly.  But since it is one of
the easist installed releases of linux around, I dont hesitate...and
didnt  Plus...the more I install and tweek...the more I learn and the
better I become with linux.  I have tried every release out there
almost.  Some only once, some more....Mandrake and RedHat are the



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