recompile your kernel to support vfat

On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 15:05:06 -0500, William Oswald wrote:

>Steven J Mackenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I'm just donwloading now, but I noticed that you use the kernel-2.0.36-3
>>package; I upgraded to this recently, and was annoyed that it doesn't have
>>vfat support, so I couldn't access my Windows partitions. (I'll be putting
>>kernel-2.0.36-1 back in before I burn it to CD). 
>Is this true about vfat, i.e. no support in the kernel that comes with
>Mandrake 5.3?
> |=====
> |~~ William Oswald (and family) -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> |=====

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