On Don, 25 Mär 1999, you wrote: / Am Don, 25 Mär 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Hi:
> I changed the BIOS setting so that my system would boot from my CD-ROM E:
> drive.  

Did you enter 'E:' or 'CDROM' in your BIOS setup? 'E:' won't work. 

>Booted up with the mandrake disk in the drive and I saw the light
> come on but for some reason it still installed win 98.  Any help on this?

If it's not a wrong BIOS setting, it's a question of timing. May take some
time to figure out at which point of time the CD should be inserted.  
> Also I have Partition Magic.  It is included with a program called boot
> magic.  Has anyone used this? Can it be used instead of LILO? Are there
> problems with using it?

You *can* use that, but I'd prefer LiLo. It's much easier to handle and
you may configure it from within Linux. Also if you run into troubles with
LiLo you are much more likely to receive help, because 80% of all Linux
users use it and it's covered in various docs.

 > Thanks
> David:

You're welcome


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