Steve Philp wrote:
> Kuraiken wrote:
> >
> > Right, that did the trick!
> > Thanks, yet again, Steve!
> >
> > I wonder why the Linux version does it doesn't in win95/NT version...
> Because Win95 couldn't route itself out of a paper bag?

Heh, I guess so. (Tell it like it is, Brother! :))

> What you're seeing is proper behavior.  What's causing it is most likely
> a configuration error on your end.  If you have just /etc/resolv.conf
> and a nameserver entry in it, Netscape will attempt to resolve the name
> to an IP number.  Since it can't reach the nameserver, it will time out
> after a specified amount of time (30 seconds if I remember correctly).
> You probably have a couple nameservers listed in /etc/resolv.conf, so it
> tries each one in succession.  Heaven help you if you've got
> caching-nameserver installed, as it'll try to reach each of the root
> nameservers in turn.  Eventually, it WILL time out.
> Anyway, just keep it in mind if you have problems like that in the
> future.

Right. Thanks.

Well, that's done it. I'm on Linux full time now (thanks to KDE and Mandrake -
and you guys)
Now...the only problem is deciding what to do with the damned NT CD...a coaster?
Jewelry? :)
And I now have a free 2.5GB hard drive...

Oh, quickie:
For those living in Malaysia, I'll write up a mini Jaring-HOWTO for Mandrake and
This one got me stumped for quite awhile - no reason others should be so
stumped. (when in fact it's sooo easy...hopefully others are, unlike me,
brighter than an eggplant :-P)

Cheers everyone. I'll be quieter now (unless I'm helping out).

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

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