I ran Mandrake on a clean install. I have 128 meg of memory.

Could it be that since I couldn't get LILO to boot my hard drive and am
booting from a bootdisk that it's not respecting the append statement?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kuraiken
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Making KDE run faster

Kevin Fife wrote:
> Irsan,
>         I'm having a similar problem, except I have even more memory than
you do.
> When I run free -m I get the following results.
>                         total   used    free    shared  buffers cached
> Mem:                    10      9       1       5               1
> -/+ bufffers/cache:     4       5
> Swap:                   101     15      86
> As you can see, linux thinks I only have 10meg of memory!! I even added
> append='128MB' statement to the lilo.conf, but no difference. Run the
> free -m command and see if you get similar results.
> kevin

Whoah! This is bad. How much RAM do your really have, Kevin? This says that
Linux itself only sees (and hence can use) 10 MB ONLY. You do NOT want to
KDE on that. (or any other wm for that matter...)
I think your problem is different from Irsan's, though.

Did you install Mandrake clean? Or did you upgrade from some other distro /
version? Linux kernel version?

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

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