At 14:05 31/03/99 +0200, you wrote:
|----- snip for brevity -----
|On Wed, 31 Mar 1999, Irsan S. P. Siregar wrote:
|> I just installing (and start using) Mandrake 5.3. However, I feel
|> that KDE access my HD a lot, and it's slow (compared to Windoze 95).
|> Is it normal, or is there a way to speed it up?
|KDE is quite a memory hog, so the best way to speed it up is to get some
|additional RAM.

EDO DRAM is quite hard to find now :)

|You can also try saving memory by killing un-necessary processes (on a
|home use system, you can usually killall httpd and such) and/or reducing
|the color depth of XFree86.

I've been trying to get the screen that show up in the last
installation process (process to run at bootup). I prefered
to edit it manually, where's the setting is stored?

|Especially on a low memory system, putting the swap partition on a
|different harddisk than the "normal" partition(s) can be some help too -
|because if they're on the same disk, there's a lot of jumping between
|distant sectors (what you're currently using and the swap space) on the

My second harddisk is very old. Although I didn't understand the
result below, I don't think hdb can beat hda.

 Timing buffer-cache reads:   64 MB in  1.64 seconds =39.02 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  32 MB in  4.19 seconds = 7.64 MB/sec

 Timing buffer-cache reads:   64 MB in  2.02 seconds =31.68 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  32 MB in 17.89 seconds = 1.79 MB/sec

|Finally, waiting for Mandrake 6.0 will help because you'll get a pentium
|optimized version. ;)

Hope it will came out soon :) I tried other windows manager, still
I like KDE a lot. The file manager make more sense, even from Win
Explorer. Somehow, I feel Kuraiken is right. It's getting faster when
you use it alot. I don't know whether it's a technical thing, or I'm
just getting used to it.

Irsan SPS

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