Russ, I'm in the same boat as you.  I just joined yesterday.

Also, thanks Steve for the great primer!

Now that I have my linux and kde working, I also have found the need to have
dual-boot so that  I can do stuff in NT.  Here's my question:  since NT and LILO
want a piece of the mbr, how do I get them to coexist w/o using an NT or linux boot

When I installed lm 5.3 the other day it made it's own entries into the mbr.  When
I tried to boot NT, I got the blue screen, so I ran fdisk /mbr and everything
worked fine after that exept linux needed to boot with a disk.

Mark G.

G_REEPER wrote:

> On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, you wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I just signed up to this list yesterday, and if what I am reading is
> > from "newbies", I am in trouble. I don't know what anyone was saying.
> > Of course I did just get my Linux disk in yesterday. So far I haven't
> > got a clue as to how to install this thing. Is there a site I can go
> > to that gives me a 1 - 2 extremely detailed how to on what I need to
> > do? I want to install it on a 1.2 gig HD all by it's lonesome. I am
> > running Win98 on my 5 gig but I'm just going to disconnect it to setup
> > the other one. I got a Mandrake Linux 5.3 CD.
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> > Russ
> >
> > Boy is this different than DOS
> Russ,
> I noticed in the reply to your mail that no one mentioned what info you need
> to know before you even start to install Linux.
> 1. You need all the info on your monitor, and video card. ( ie.. the refresh
> rates and such)
> 2. Write down all your sound card settings from windows ( ie.. the irq, and
> dma settings)
> 3. Know where your modem is ( ie.. com ports,  be aware that win modems by
> what i read tend to have trouble with linux)
> 4. Know all the info about your isp. (..the dns numbers, u will need them)
>  I also notice you said you would be removing the windows drive for this
> install.   You really should look into the dual boot which is most common  with
> with , and old Linux users. You may find yourself in a catch 22 . You might
> have a problem that you could fix if you could get online, but you can't get
> online without putting the windows drive back in.  Since i installed Mandrake i
> spend 95% of my time on the puter in Linux , only booting to windows when i
> have to run a certain app that wine can't run, or that i haven't found a clone
> for in linux.
> Here's a few commands that you may not know of that are nice to do when you
> first start linux.
> Logged in as root
> 1. useradd :adds a new user
> 2. passwd ( username ) : lets you set the password for that user
> 3. /etc/cron.daily/updatedb.cron : This indexes the files on your system after
> it's done you can type locate (filename) and it will list every file by that
> name and where it is on your system.
> 4. shutdown now -r : reboots the system leave the -r off to just shut it down
> 5. startx : this will start the kde interface
> 6. mount  /mnt/cdrom : mounts the cdrom drive
> 7. ls : list the files in the dir. add -a to show all files in the dir
> 8. pico : In the workstation install this is included as a simple text editor
> you can use in the shell, or xterm . ( the command line) to edit a file type in
> pico ( and the file name) like pico .bashrc ( don't forget the . if there is
> one in front of the file name, or that it's case sensitive.)
> 9. adding color to the shell : The first time you use ls or ls -a you see file
> names all one color. To make it easier to know what your looking linux has a
> color coding built in.  To turn it on.
> As root
> type in pico .bashrc
> add the line
> alias ls='ls --color=auto'
> save it and log out ctrl + the d  key.
> log in again and type ls -a colors, blue is folders, green  ( don't quote me)
> are exe, rpm, or some other type.
> I hope this helps some. There are alot of folks here that are not only willing
> to help but very good at it. Ask if you run into trouble.
> There is also a newsgroup alt.os.linux.mandrake
> that was born from this mailing list where u can also post questions.
> I'm going to read over the rest of the replies and see if i can add anything.
> Steven G


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