Hi Steven,

I want to thank you for this post. I am printing it for future
reference. I am having a bit of a problem getting Linux installed.
Since I am running an older system, I cannot boot from the CD. To
further complicate matters, Linux doesn't recognize my 4 speed CD
(Creative). So therefore I have to copy the CD to disc and install it
that way. (I have two IDE ports so it is easy to flop HD's around. My
5 gig is installed in the box and the 1.5 is laying on the desk.).
Getting the boot disk (image disk) was a bit of a trick. I wasn't able
to get my hands on any detailed How tos on how to make one. I new I
had to run rawrite but when it asked for the disk image source
thingie, I directed it to the folder. It didn't like that though. When
I finally figured that out, I was moving right along till it asked for
the "supplementary disk". So I had to hook everything back up and
figure out what that was. No detailed how to's here either but I
stumbled onto that in the images too. Got that going. The next snag
was I messed up when I made the disk one big partition. When I ran
their utility to fix my blunder, I gave up when they presented me with
a blank line and wanted me to type something. Well, I redid everything
and I'll give it another go. Before I do though, I'll send this and go
find out all that info you suggested.

Even though I'm hitting road blocks, I am have fun. I learn better
that way. I probably wont get it on this try either so if anyone else
wants to fire off any suggestions, I'm listening.

Thanks Again

-----Original Message-----
I noticed in the reply to your mail that no one mentioned what info
you need
to know before you even start to install Linux.


Steven G

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