There is a great Step-by-Step Guide for samba at:

Good Luck;
Joshua SS Miller

Mark West wrote:

> I have recently installed Mandrake 5.3, I am pleased that there is an
> alternative to Microsoft.  I am having a little trouble getting Samba to
> work.  I have tried the version that shiped with Mandrake, and I have
> downloaded the latest RH5.2 RPM and installed it with Kpackage.
> I get the same error, "not allowed to logon from this location", or
> something to that affect. If anyone can give me some advise it would be
> much help.  I am trying to provide server space on an Government
> Network.  It sure would be nice to show ADP managers that MS is not the
> only way.
> additional info:
> 1. Netscape works.
> 2. I can Ping the Linux box
> 3. I can see the box in Network Neighborhood.
> v/r
> Mark West
> Get Your Private, Free Email at

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