Lawrence Sayre wrote:
> Steve Philp wrote:
> >
> > Lawrence Sayre wrote:
> > > Steve Philp wrote:
> > > > Also, after making the change to whichever file, did you logout and log
> > > > back in?  You can try the PS1 stuff right from the command line for
> > > > instant tests.
> > >
> > > I made the change to /etc/profile.  It did nothing (\w was the same as
> > > \W).  I tried re-booting, but still nothing.  My /etc/profile file is
> > > attached.
> >
> > I suppose this is a stupid question, but are you, infact, using the Bash
> > shell?
> >
> > --
> > Steve Philp
> Yes! (Mine is pretty much a default setup)

Ya know, I'm truly embarassed by this.  I _really_ should have done more
than just read the manpage for Bash before giving you help on this one. 
Once in a while I _really_ need to try out the advice I'm tossing out!

Okay, I finally tried the modification myself and guess what?!  I didn't
notice a change either.  So, I took a look at what was being set with
'export'.  I'd modified /etc/profile to show a lowercase 'w'.  'export'
showed that it was still being set with an uppercase 'w'.

So, something after /etc/profile is changing it back to it's original
setting.  And that file is.... /etc/bashrc!

So, make the same modification to /etc/bashrc and see what happens! 
I've already tried it here this time... :)

Sorry for questioning your sanity, Lawrence.  Time for my brown paper

Steve Philp

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