Kuraiken wrote:
> Hello all,
> I think there's something wrong with the Mandrake install program. (or
> it could have been carried over from RedHat's, I don't know)
> Here's what happened:
> I had to install on a 2.1 GB HDD. I partitioned it thus:
> 100MB - /
> 800MB - /usr*
> 800MB - /home*
> 100MB - /tmp
> 32MB - swap
> the * partitions were growable so they took up the slack leftover from
> the swap allocation.
> I chose only about 416MB worth of apps and utils.
> Thing is...somewhere around the middle of the rpm installation (you
> know, the one with the progress bars)
> it stopped and gave me some weird error about no space for database or
> something...I continued anyway and it gave me the same error for each
> package.
> At some point later on, it says no more space or something. What gives?
> Does / partition need more than 100MB?

It sure looks like it.  

Here's what I ended up with for my normal home installation:

        [root@tippy /root]# du -shx /
        986M    /
        [root@tippy /root]# du -shx /usr
        553M    /usr
        [root@tippy /root]#
        [root@tippy /root]# du -shx /home
        15M     /home
        [root@tippy /root]# du -shx /tmp
        7.0K    /tmp

So, / here takes up around 400M.  You've got to remember that you're
holding /var in your root partition and that takes up quite a bit of
room (and grows larger).  KDE (in /opt, which is also part of your root)
fills around 65M also.

This installation is probably quite a bit larger in / than yours is,
since I've also got WordPerfect and Applixware installed (both in /opt
and thus counting towards your root figure).

Steve Philp

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