On  9 Apr 99 at 0:12, Kuraiken wrote:

> > > when you move the mouse when you are at the command line, do you get
> > 
> > now that it doesn't do.

> Ah...you mean even gpm cannot use it? (you did install gpm, yes?)

yep installed it.

> > i'm almost tempted do a full reinstall and let it do it on it's own
> > without me using the expert mode.<vbg>

> Actually...this might be a good idea...it sounds like lots of things
> have been messed up from your tinkering...:) No, this is good! It's
> the best way to learn you way around Linux, seriously! But...only if

let's see, this is the, oh shoot lost count after number 6 or was 
that number 10 <g> but seriously i've installed/reinstalled this 
quite a few times. i have the timing down to a fine science as to 
what i can do while it loads and when i have to be back to enter 

and believe me i've learned more in doing installs lately than i have 
over the last few years with working on webservers and reading<g>.

> you have the time. If you need to get work done right away, either
> use another machine or try not to mess about in conf files too much.

got another machine(s), wanted this so that i can tinker and learn 
more. i would like to eliminate that stuff from redmond for everyday 
> Do you have a modem installed?

not really to lazy to swap it out as it maybe a winmodem which aint 
going to work ( sent someone else to get it for me and didn't tell 
them that i wanted one w/jumpers on it).

> I find that when weird stuff like this happens, you want to take
> everything out and install with the minimum of stuff. That way you
> can isolate problems easier...eliminate as many variables as
> possible. Try installing with only graphics card and mouse (and
> keyboard and monitor, of course) and see if it works. You can
> install the modem and soundcard later.

sound card is compatible as it is a real soundblaster. all hardware 
is on the hardware list. did have to swap out the harddrive for this 
current one because i didn't want to use the overlay for the bios to 
see all 9.1 gigs..
> Just a suggestion.

thanks all suggestions welcomed.


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