> > Ah...you mean even gpm cannot use it? (you did install gpm, yes?)
> yep installed it.

And? Even before you startx, move your mouse around...do you get a square
"pointer" moving about the screen?

> let's see, this is the, oh shoot lost count after number 6 or was
> that number 10 <g> but seriously i've installed/reinstalled this
> quite a few times. i have the timing down to a fine science as to
> what i can do while it loads and when i have to be back to enter
> info.

Wow...this is seriously bad. I've never had to do this! (and I thought _I_ had
problems ;-P)

> got another machine(s), wanted this so that i can tinker and learn
> more. i would like to eliminate that stuff from redmond for everyday
> use.

I understand how you feel. I've done it. It's feels great! But...let's get back
to getting you there.

> >
> > Do you have a modem installed?
> not really to lazy to swap it out as it maybe a winmodem which aint
> going to work ( sent someone else to get it for me and didn't tell
> them that i wanted one w/jumpers on it).

Take it out anyway.
> sound card is compatible as it is a real soundblaster. all hardware
> is on the hardware list. did have to swap out the harddrive for this
> current one because i didn't want to use the overlay for the bios to
> see all 9.1 gigs..

Ah...it's not the compatibility of those things that I am questioning. I'm sure
they will work. I'm trying to eliminate conflicts. Or at least potentials. I've
done God-only knows how many troubleshooting and hair-pulling to know
that...usually, it's the stupidest thing that drives you up the wall. Keep it
simple. I'm not about to say that your mouse hates Linux but...have you tried
installing the thing or even running the thing with a different mouse?

I'm sorry that this is at your expense but this is an interesting problem. I'm
sure many more on the list would also like to find out what the heck is going on
- and avoid it...oh well. Hang in there.
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

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