Hello all,

This might be just a wee bit heavy for the newbie list but...

A friend of mine (a lecturer in a local college) needs some help setting up a
computer lab. I somehow, managed to convince him that he really does not want to
us M$ crapware - after a couple of hours staring slack jawed at my desktop (what
with GIMP, Moonlight Creator, Netscape, FTP, HTTP - to my local server) all
going on at once in several virtual desktops...well :P)...

Anyway, I convinced him that FS/OSS is the way to go. Saves his college oodles
of money and frees them from the M$ tax (tax evasion?), protects their
investments from obsolescence etc.etc...(not to mention earning him some honour
points amongst his peers)

So, I've agreed to help him out.

Now, my question is, what are the different options open to me here? I've
checked out NAG's NIS section but it does not look complete. In many places they
say type:...and nothing after the semi-colon. It seems it's very much incomplete
still. And it's very confusing about what exactly needs to be done.

So, here I am. I need to implement this:
Centralized user authentication and resource utilization. The last bit is
perhaps not to difficult (I think it's just nfs/samba but do correct me if I'm

How many ways are there and what are the pros and cons of each? And most
importantly, where do I go for more info and help?

Thanks in advance and looking forward to your suggestions.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

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