Steve Philp wrote:
> Lloyd wrote:
> >
> > Robert Sheskin wrote:
> > >
> > > Is there a web browser that works with KDE.  I have Nutscrape which
> > > crashes more than it runs.  I tried to download Star Office and after
> > > 40Mb+ of the download was complete bang Nutscrape disappears.  Not even
> > > IE5 in MS Windows is that buggy.  It is bad to have such a stable os
> > > with no web support.
> >
> > You might want to try something like Amaya. I don't know much about it,
> > but it should support all the new standards (possibly not eveything,
> > though) It was written by the World Wide Web consortium, so it SHOULD be
> > up to standard :-)  Check their site at
> He might want to try using an FTP client instead of a web browser to do
> file downloads.  The tools are for two different tasks.  Although my
> father (an electrician) always said that "you can fix anything with
> Linesman's pliers", I do think he understood that a Phillips head
> screwdriver was sometimes in order.

Well, half the battle is having the right tool for the
> Give NcFTP a try, it supports restarting a transfer so that you don't
> end up wasting 2 hours on a botched download.

Well, I've rarely had problems using Netscape to transfer
files, but I have had it happen.
I think Mandrake comes with NcFTP (not sure, though)

Lloyd Osten

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