On Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 08:07:04PM +0100, Lionel Siau wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > 
> > > And if you read it with a real operating system, you can laugh
> > > maniacally at the thought of all the Windows users who have just 
> > > hosed their machine.
> > >
> > > Come on, doesn't anyone use Linux to read this mailing list?!
> > >
> >
> > I sure was laughing...I've been on Linux full time since I wiped
> > NT's stink off
> > my HD plates :)
> > What a stupid joke, that virus is..."Practice safe computing, use Linux!"
> Erm..it is just as easy to write a virus on Linux thought the damage would
> be far more limited if u don't log in as root. I wonder why there hasn't
> been a Linux virus...yet? Could it be that all virus writers are anti-MS?

I think you probably explained the reason in the first sentence of your
message.  It's damn difficult for a virus to be planted and spread.  Users
don't have the ability to place binaries into system directories, nor to
infect other binaries with their infected program.

Steve Philp

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