Jerry Dean wrote:
> Hello again:
> I followed your instructions below and same problem, so I rebooted
> windows went to my isp website and printed out configuration info,
> obtained the correct dns settings, rebooted linux, and setup up kppp
> correctly and I have the same problem. I get the following error when
> pinging an address:  "unknown host". The mail client also returns error
> msg, cannot find server. Anymore ideas? Thanks
> Jerry Dean

Okay, could you do this for me?

in a shell, while not connected, run this:
/sbin/route -n > notcon.txt

Then, connect to your isp (you can connect? Does kppp display the "connected
at..." dialog with the two buttons [Details] and [Disconnect]? If so, while
connected run this:
/sbin/route -n > con.txt

Then, copy and paste the text into your email and send it to the list - labeled
as such.
(The ">" sends the output into a file - in this case the *.txt files.)

Lets see if we can find out what's happening with the routing.
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

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