Jeanette Russo wrote:
> Got Star Office 5.0 up and running a boy it is nice!  Recommend it for
> anyone running Mandrake :-)  Its a big download and the server seems slow,
> but it does allow you to restart where you left off in the event you get
> disconnected.
> Jeanette

I don't mean to be a "wet blanket" but don't expect too much out of it. It's
pretty good but there have been reports of instability and some general
weirdness from friends who use it. One thing which is no real fault of StarDiv's
engineers is that some MS docs (like word) are not parsed properly - esp. the
later versions of word. And since it's closed source...

#All software that is not Free, sucks. (free speech not drinks))

Also, for me, personally...I'm more excited about KOffice (XML doc! Yum!) too
bad I'm not really an "office"'s still a long way away though and for
those needing a good Office suite, Star Office is pretty good. But I also hear
good things about Applixware's suite. So you might want to check that out too.

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster
 Discussions heartily welcomed;
   Flames generally ignored.

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