Don Bonomini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey everyone! Someone... HELP! I luved linux so much, i recommened it to
a friend, and i went to install it for him.

ok, so we defragmented, and ran fips to "safely" partition the drive. He
has a 12 gig hard drive, and i set up the partitions as 10 gig for
windows, and 1.1 gig for linux.  Ok... partitioned fine. I ran the Linux
install. Then Disk Druid. I delete the 1.1 gig partition we jus made to
free up the space for the Linux partitions, and for some reason, when i
try and create the root, /, partiton, it gives me the error, The
bootable partition doesnt have enuff free space. It lets me creat any
other partition i want, like /usr, or the swap partiton, but jus not the
/ partition. Ive read somewhere that the first (bootable) partition,
which wuld be windoze of course, has to be within the first 1024
cylenders of the drive? Is this true? If it is... is there anyway to
install and run a dual-boot system giving 10 gigs to win and 1.1 to

Please help! I dont wannt my friend to sue me for messin his computer
up!!! (No offense dave, if ur readin this :-)

Well, thanks in advance! See yall later!

My understanding is that if you install Linux out past the 8 GB mark, Lilo
will not be able to boot into Linux (nature of the beast I believe..)  Why
leave so much room for windows???  Leave him 6 GB for Windows and the rest for
Linux.  With only a GB for Linux, there's not much room for him to install
some of the better programs to give it a really fair trial v. Win 9x or NT.


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