
I've some problems and in order of importance I expose you, if there is somewhere, 
someone that can help my in something. :-))
I've Mandrake 5.3 with 2.2.3a4-4 kernel upgraded.
Please answer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] too because I'm subscribed only at newbie 
digest and not at newbie.

 To gently Jeanette Russo: thank for your helps and ;-) have you Italian origin too (I 
supposed by your family name) ? 

--- Linux CD ---

 I tried to make a linux Mandrake CD, taking some data from one CD and other progs 
from another CD.
 My problem is that when I try to install Mandrake it reply that there no Mandrake 
CDROM inside the driver.
 I hope that copy cd one-to-one not is the only solution possible because the CD that 
contains my mandrake contains about 300Mb of WIN-PC shareware progs too.

--- mount ---

I've write a CD-ROM in file system OSTA UDF known as "packet writing" but I'cannot 
mount it.
If I mount this CD I see only a ISO9660 partition that contains a message about OSTA 
UDF file system ad a win95 driver for this file system.
If OSTA UDF file system is supported by linux how I can get this features ?

--- man command ---

[root@localhost /root]# man -c ls
Formatting page, please wait...
<standard input>:34: warning: can't find character with input code 232
<standard input>:51: warning: can't find character with input code 233
<standard input>:52: warning: can't find character with input code 224
<standard input>:90: warning: can't find character with input code 249
<standard input>:245: warning: can't find character with input code 200
<standard input>:297: warning: can't find character with input code 242  

and I can't see accented characters.

--- core ---

What's is the 'core' file that frequently I found in my /root directory (and 
frequently I remove) ? 

--- daemons ---

Are really useful this daemons for a single machine (no net), with only Internet 
connection but no e-mail or news utilities active ?

  224  ?  S    0:00 klogd
  266  ?  S    0:00 inetd
  280  ?  S    0:00 named
  318  ?  S    0:00 sendmail: accepting connections on port 25  

May I kill anyone ? And uninstall ?

Thank to all that will help me to free me by Windows slavish :-<

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