On Fri, Apr 16, 1999 at 02:37:19PM -0400, Yun Li wrote:
> Hi, all
> I am a new user of Mandrake, and I got a problem about my CD-ROM
> (sony 32X CDU 711 ATAPI).
> Before installation, At first I change BIOS to make CD-ROM bootable,
> and then install, everything is fine. but After finishing installation,
> I cannot mount the CD-ROM. It says "cannot recognize it as a block
> device, maybe insmod driver", I checked the document, it mentioned that
> sometimes CD-ROM is not recognized because not all kernel module loaded
> correctly. Anyway I did what it says, "ln -s 2.0.36-3 2.0.36",
> "/sbin/depmod -a", but it still does not work, I don't know what to do.
> Could someone give me a clue? Thanks.

The Sony drives will work fine with Linux, I'm using a similar drive (the
701 which Sony is selling as the 711 now...).

Is there a CD in the drive when you boot?

Do you see a message during bootup that Mandrake is creating a hard-link to
your CDROM?

Which device (hda, hdb, etc) is your CDROM?

Do you see /dev/cdrom listed in /etc/fstab?

What does 'ls -l /dev/cdrom' say?  And 'ls -l /dev/<DEVICE>'? (Replace
<DEVICE> with the appropriate hda, hdb, etc)

These should help narrow down the problem.

Steve Philp

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