On Fri, Apr 16, 1999 at 03:00:54PM -0500, Jeanette Russo wrote:
> I wish there was a way to do this manually because its difficult to make
> a script for this loggin
> when you dial in it should bring up a terminal window that looks like
> this
> Suba
> 1. shell
> 2. ppp
> 3. slip
> Annex:
> then you enter 2 for ppp
> then it gives you
> Login:  jrusso
> Password:
> with returns after each
> then you click ok and close the window and it logs you in.
> Does anyone know how to get the terminal window after dialing in KPPP or
> help me write a script for this the ones I tried don' t work
> Thanks
> Jeanette

That isn't a difficult login to script.  Here's what you want to put into
the scripting portion of KPPP:

Expect          Reply
nnex:           2
ogin:           jrusso
word:           <password>

That's hardly difficult!

Steve Philp

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