The desktop icons are just files in ~/Desktop (where ~ stands for a
user's home directory, usually /home/username).  To create new ones, you can
right-click anywhere on the desktop, and on the menu that pops up, go to the
"New" submenu, and choose what object you'd like to create (application in
this case- very similar to Windows 95/98).      
        If you don't know where they are, you can (from a terminal window)
type "which <appname>" (without quotes) to find where an executable file is
located i.e., you can type "who" at the prompt from anywhere and you will get
a list of users logged in.  If you type "which who" you will get back the
path to the "who" program (/usr/bin/who on my machine).
        As to the K-menu, probably the easiest way to add them is to run
KAppFinder (which is probably an icon on your desktop).  This will search
through your disk for several programs and add all the ones it finds to the
K-menu, under "non-KDE Apps".  This may not find the programs you installed,
        In this case, you can add them manually:  for an individual user, add
a whatever.kdelnk file to .kde/share/applnk/WhateverDropdownMenuYouWant in a
user's home directory.  This will be under "non-KDE apps".  For all users,
you can add the shortcut to /opt/kde/share/applnk/WhateverMenuYouWant (this
must be done as root).  Probably the easiest way to create the .kdelnk files
is by way of the desktop (right-click, New/Application).

Hope I helped you out some.
-Matt Stegman

> Hi there,
> here is a very simple question from a very new user.  I just installed
> Mandrake 5.3 on my machine and I can't figure out how to associate
> applications as icons on the desktop or as items in that "K" menu (I can't
> remember what it's called).  I think I have the Package Manager figured out
> as I installed a couple of screensavers and a game and was able to run them
> from an X-window.  Now I'd just like to see those listed in the K-menu.
> Thanks much,
> Laurence Adair

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