On Tue, Apr 20, 1999 at 12:19:16AM -0400, James J. Capone wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> grap a cup of coca and read on. I think Steve would like this one. He
> could be a teacher and get paid for all of his wisdom :)
> Please goto.
> http://www.osopinion.com/Opinions/JamesJCapone/JamesJCapone3.html
> And read my story. Let me know what you all think,

I agree that Linux Certification is probably a Good Thing(tm).  I'd like to
see the thing structured like the Cisco classes more than the Microsoft
series though.  I want to know, going into the classes, that I am going to
have to work my ass off, that I'm going to learn a few things that I didn't
know, and that I'm going to be challenged at every step of the way. 

Certification MUST be seen as a difficult achievement, not something that
you get just to pad your resume.  I've never heard it said, but it might be
appropriate:  "MCSE certs are like a*holes, everybody's got one."

Steve Philp

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