At 10:45 21/04/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I have a 486Dx2/66 computer with a Pentium overdrive chip and a 1.2 GB
>HD.  I would like to install Linux on this machine as well as keeping
>the copy of windows 95 that is already loaded on the machine.  I have
>seen references for doing this with two hard drives, but I only have
>one.  Is it possible to load two operating systems on one drive and what
>do I need to do to accomplish this.  I am still fairly new to Linux and
>I am very new to using two operating systems on one computer so any help
>would be appreciated.
Sorry to be the beare of bad news, but you won't get the best out of
linux if you have 1.2 gb - I tend to go for 2gb installs. Also you have
that Other Operating System (?) on there so you actually have quite
a bit less that 1.2gb to play with.  I've just had a look at my laptop
which has a fairly minimal install on it and that has 600mb of linux
on it - and of course you'll need some free space for the future.

Try and get another drive - I know it will cost some cash but
you'll be much happier in the long run. Perhaps you could find
a second user 2gig somewhere?

Better still junk wind*&^ (oops - almost said the Word)

May the fish be with you.


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