Adam Wright wrote:
> There is no isapnp.conf file to work with. Whenever I run isapnp it does
> nothing except tell me the usage i.e.isapnp configfile
> I don't know what the command is to create an isapnp.conf file is. I am very
> new to Linux and it's all kinda greek to me. As far as I know this is the only
> thing I have left to configure. It just doesn't make sense to me that I was
> able to easily set this same card up in another PC using the sndconfig command,
> but when I try to use it on this PC it just locks up.
>                                                         Adam Wright

Hi, Adam,

I had some problems installing a sound card a while ago on one of my
Linux machines.  I think the surest way of getting sound on Linux is to
recompile the kernel with sound support built in.  If you're running a
stock Mandrake installation, you have kernel 2.0.36.  You should upgrade
to the latest 2.2.x kernel.  Have you compiled a kernel before?  If not,
it goes like this:

Get kernel source from and place in /usr/src.

tar zxvf <kernel>.tar.gz [unpacks the kernel source]

Then follow the directions in the newly created /usr/src/linux/README.

I recommend 'make xconfig' instead of 'make config' or 'make menuconfig'
when you get to the kernel options configuration part.  For the most
part, you'll just want the default parameters, unless you have any
special devices, like scsi.  When you get to the sound part, select
sound card support.  Then select support for OSS sound modules.  This
will activate the 100% Sound Blaster configuration section.  Choose the
appropriate parameters.  Compile the kernel, reboot with the new kernel,
and you should get sound.  I highly recommend the book Running Linux 2nd
ed. by Welsh and Kaufman ( has the best prices
I've found on the Internet).  I'd be happy to try to answer any other
questions you might have about kernel compiling.  OK, good luck,


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