On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 07:07:34 -0400, you wrote:

>Jesus lighten up buddy...I may have made the mistake by saying Eudora and
>Outlook, cause the majority of the time I currently use Win95, but I think
>you are gettin WAY to upset over a stupid mistake...."Thanks for playing our
>game!"? Anytime bud...

Actually...YOU are the one who came across as arrogant with your reply
to a simple request.  So you got exactly as you came across.   And it
looks like they were right in the first place, since now your messages
are no longer one long sentence like they were.  So YOU were the
arrogant one.

>[Britt Selvitelle]
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Steve Philp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, April 23, 1999 4:41 AM
>Subject: Re: [newbie] Gateway Soundcard on MB
>> Britt Selvitelle wrote:
>> >
>> > Cool, thanks....
>> >
>> > BTW, your problem with the messages comming out as one long string is
>> > the typers fault (they shouldn't have to hit enter in the middle of
>> > sentences), but the fault of your email program?  Which program are you
>> > using?  I'd recommend Eudora or Outlook...
>> <RANT>
>> WTF?!  You _DO_ realize that this is a LINUX mailing list, correct?  You
>> also realize that alot of us use Linux to READ the mail on this mailing
>> list?  What kind of suggestions are Eudora and Outlook?  I've search
>> Freshmeat, but near as I can tell, neither of those programs are
>> available for Linux.  Thanks for playing our game!
>> </RANT>
>> The line wrapping should be set on outgoing messages.  Certainly the
>> mail program that the poster was using is capable of setting the line
>> width to something that is reasonable for this mailing list.  Most
>> suggestions I've seen have been around 70-75 characters per line.
>> Please remember that a large number of us use text-mode mail readers and
>> be considerate when sending mail.
>> --
>> Steve Philp

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