
Thanks for the tip. I do have Mandrake 5.3 and I am looking into
buying the newest release either through Red Hat or Caldera (I asked
about Gnome because Red Hat uses it and I wanted to check it out). I
know absolutely nothing about Linux except for what I have learned
here and what I have picked up by surfing the web. The nearest place
to me that sells any Linux stuff is about 2 hours away so I don't even
have a book. I figure if I buy the package, it should come with a
book. Anyway, basically what I am doing now is listening. I have
subscribed to Caldera's list, the Gnome list and this one (I've only
posted to this one though). I would like to move completely away from
MS but I am still floundering here. I do have Linux up and running
(with the exception of my printer - major stumbling block - HP Deskjet
820Cxi). I tried to download StarOffice but after an all night
download with Netscape in Linux, I got a total of 7 megs (I was
impressed). I use MS Office 97 heavily and figured StarOffice would
replace that. I have successfully downloaded and installed it on my
Win98 and have swapped files back and forth between SO and MSO with
little or no problems. So I figure SO will do the trick, if I can only
get it. If I understand things correctly, Caldera ships with SO and
WordPerfect 8 (which would also work). I really really hate bothering
the list with basic questions that probably have been dealt with a
hundred times, but I have no other resource as of yet. Even the
Archives are of little or no help to me since half the time I don't
even know what I'm looking for. Kinda like trying to look up a word in
a dictionary that you don't know how to spell. At this point I need
detailed and specific instructions for anything I do in Linux. On the
different occasions that I have been helped by members of this list
(and thank you all btw), the instructions they gave made absolutely no
sense to me when I first read them but I charge right into them and
seem to fumble my way through it (learning the whole time - and yes,
having fun too). I still feel like I'm subscribed to a foreign
language list here but some things are starting to soak in.


What is the difference between Caldera and Red Hat (and the others)?

Can you run KDE and Gnome on the same machine under either Caldera or
Red Hat's version?

Anyone have any opinions on which package is the best?

Thanks again

-----Original Message-----
At 24/04/1999 15:45:00, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>I just noticed that I have a directory for Gnome. I also understand
>that RH ships with Gnome. My question, was Gnome installed when I
>installed Mandrake? And if it is, how do I run it?
Mandrake 5.3 is built on Red Hat 5.2 that contains an old Gnome
package (I think, 0.30 is the version number). If you want to install
Gnome download the new files (v.1.0), however, just keep in mind that
Gnome is still buggy and prone to crashes. Right now I recommend using
KDE instead (especially if you have Mandrake 5.3!)
Cheers, Bela
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