Stefan Dozier wrote:

> At 04:16 PM 5/6/99 +0800, you wrote:
> >Hi:
> >   I have added a user named "lyn" as group of root. But the command of
> >"shutdown" cannt be used by "lyn". How to assign the right of root to "lyn".
> I accomplished that feat issuing the "chmod u+s /sbin/shutdown"
> Now my regular user as well as root can perform system shutdown.
> There's also some functions under Linuxconf, that allows you to assign
> shutdown priviledges to regular users, but it never worked for me while
> using Redhat Linux v5.1, so I used the above procedure to accomplish it.
> Probably not the best way to do it, but it works.....
> Stefan Dozier

The fastest way for a regular user to shutdown is to press ctrl-alt-del then
press the off button when the screen shows the initial boot up sequence. eg
before memory check

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