Ripcrd6 translated his thoughts to electrons:

> They are going to stay with KDE I would bet.   On second thought, Lothar
> won't be ready even for day-time much less prime time by the end of the
> month.  I looked at the pages again today and they are on ver. 0.3 or
> something.  Oh well.   Definitely look for stuff from BeroLinux to be
> integrated such as Trutype font support.
> Rip

YES!!! YES!!! Im in ecstasy!!! ("estoy extático", para los que ahora sólo
hablan Español, jeje)
Working in a magazine, Truetype fonts are a necesity ("las fuentes Trutype son

> >Ripcrd6 [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said:
> >
> >>Probably mid to late May.   May be longer if they are making serious
> >>headway on Lothar.

Do you believe its worth waiting? ("¿vale la pena esperar?")
I still havent got my Mandrake Festen copy ("aún no compro my copia de Mandrake
... Im just learning Linux with the Redhat 5.1 included in the book I bought
last week.
("estoy aprendiendo Linux con el Redhat 5.1 que venía con el libro que compré)

> >I would be happy if MandrakeSoft waited until GNOME 1.1 was released.
> >1.0 behaves like buggy beta software.
> >


> >It makes me appreciate the excellent job that MandrakeSoft did integrating
> >Red Hat 5.2 and KDE 1.1!

Yep... thats true... I WANT MY MANDRAKE (and my Lothar too!)
("Efectivamente... QUIERO MI MANDRAKE --y también mi Lotario")

Jose Alberto Abreu
Magazine Editor and Native Mexican
"¡Viva Linux!"

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