Is there any way to make a personal XF86Config file for a user?  For instance:
Say I and my friend both use a computer.  She has a great pair of eyes
(I'm talking about visual acuity here) while I have trouble with refresh rates
below 70Hz.  She likes her screen resolution to be 1280x1024 (which operates at
60Hz on this monitor) while I like mine at 1024x768 (about 72Hz here).  This
isn't a problem in itself, as I can easily change resolutions, using the
Ctrl-Alt-+ (or -).  However, then I get the desktop-larger-than-my-screen
effect, of which I am not a big fan.  I don't like having to scroll over to
the panel to start up an application- I'd like to have it right there on the
edge of my screen, all the time.

One solution could be to set up different color depths for the both of us, say
she runs in 24-bit color while I am relegated to 16-bit color, but I like to
think that while I can't handle a lower refresh rate, I can still make out more
than 65 thousand different colors.  Can I set up an XF86Config file especially
for me, where I get 1024x768 resolution with no virtual desktop in 24-bit color
while my friend still has her 1280x1024 in 24-bit color?  Or is there a way to
make X recalulate the desktop size?

By the way, we use XDM to login, so if you're thinking command-line arguments
to startx, that's a negative.

Thanks in advance,
-Matt Stegman

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