I thought I knew the answer to this one myself... guess I was wrong.
This is real simple.  All I want to do is specify aliases.  In
particular, I want 'ls' to be 'ls --color -a -p -w 80'.  I have
specified this in /etc/skel/.bashrc and rebooted numerable times, only
to find that it didn't work.  The line I added is still in .bashrc, but
evidently is doing absolutely nothing.  Being a newbie, it's handy to be
able to know at a glance what is a directory, what is executable, etc.,
and for some reason my columns are screwed up when I 'ls', so I ned to
have that -w 80 in there.  Also, when I specify the alias at the command
line (as I must do every time I boot) it eventually stops working and I
have to re-alias.  I thought maybe I wasn't running bash at startup, so
I've tried running it from the command line and that didn't work
either.  I didn't specify to run bash -norc anywhere.. could it be doing
it on its own or something?


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