I've been sweating blood around here because what looked as if it should
be a simple upgrade that even a newbie like me could tackle left me
without a graphics desktop (which a newbie like me can't do without :-(

The install script for KDE 1.1.1 won't work with Mandrake, but the
answer was simple when I got to it.(thanks to some help on the lists). I
got rough and did a:

rpm -i --force kdesupport
rpm -i --force kdelibs
rpm -i --force kdebase
rpm -i --force kdesupport-qwspritefield

then removed the packages and did a:

rpm -i --force kdeapplications

then removed kdeappclications

and finally did a rpm -i --force *.rpm

(I left the tails of the above packages to save my fingers ;-)

Now things seem to work, but I had to put my desktop back together again
from the Desktop.kdesave directory.

It does not bode well that there were no huge flashing signs on the KDE
and Mandrake sites warning about this (please put them up now!).



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