At 06:53 21/05/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I have linux on one hard drive(the master drive) and win95(the slave)
>on another.
>I set up lilo to let me choose between the two systems, but when I
>select win95, win95 claims there is a non-system disk in the floppy
>drive and then it hangs up. There isn't any non-system disk there, so
>what to do? At present, I switch between the two by changing BIOS.
>   I am considering this solution:
>1. Reinstall linux, putting the boot stuff on the win95 
>hard drive. Change this drive to the master.
>2. All the rest of linux goes on its own hard drive which becomes the
>So, tell me somebody, will this work? I will do it when I get a copy of
>Linux Mandrake 6.0.

Does you bios have the boot order "a:c:scsi" ? - hence the
floppy error.
I think that Wintendo will only run off the first IDE drive,
Linux (thanks to lilo) can be run from pretty much anywhere
(within the 1024 cycls limit)
 Personally I would have windoze (not that I have that at home any more)
on the master drive with lilo on it's mbr giving the option of a linux
boot from another drive.

just my 2p

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