Pliler Main Unit wrote:
> Richard,
> You know, I was told by someone else that I had the netscape
> 4.51 on my cd's , that I got with L-M, but so far I've not found a
> folder or file with netscape in the name, any suggestion?
> Also how would I remove the old netscape first??
> YOu are dealing with a newbie dummie that has never even
> installed a program yet, let alone removed one.
> Thanks,
> Will

On the CD, if you're in KDE, you need to click on the CDROM icon to mount the
CD. Then, in the viewer, go to:


(turning off HTML view might help if you're browsing the CD)

The netscape rpms are there.

If you want to remove the rpms, launch kpackage.
Click on File->find package.
A find dialog box pops up. Looks for "netscape" string...then you'll find
several netscape related rpms
Click done on the dialog...
On the main kpackage window there should be a button at the bottom right area
labelled "uninstall" that and it should uninstall that package.

There is a command line way to do it...but you might not want to. (it's easier
to use though, imo.)

Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

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