Yeah it wouldn't work under bash.

use zsh

zsh riva_install

It'll still break and not copy the files correctly, but look at the error
and do it by hand.  It works great...

Greg Rumple

On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, Sean wrote:

> > Just a FYI for all nVIDIA card owners they have come up with some 
> > linux drivers for there cards. Check it out at
> >
> > 
> > Going to try and install it right now. Heres hoping I don't screw my
> > Xwindows up. <G> 
> > 
> > Sean
> > 
> Well that didn't work. :-( The riva_install shell script kept on dying. 
> If anyone attempts to install this and is successful could you let me 
> know please. Also I know nothing about shell scripts but if anyone out 
> there who is knowlegable in them would like to take a look at it just 
> let me know and I'll email it to you. It's pretty small only 6k. 
> Anyways thx.
> Sean

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