> I have had constant troubbles since installing M6. I have posted a few
> questions here and the expert list and received no answers. If this was
> my first experiance with Linux I would most certanily be a Microsoft
> customer for life. I asked for assistance on sound and scsi problems,
> got none, figured that one out eventually. Asked for assistance on Jaz
> locking up, got no response and it still does not work. Now it does not
> seem that I can compile any KDE apps due to qt errors. I guess I will
> not get anything but flames for this post but I am totally discusted
> with the non-support I have encountered. Since I know what a good Linux
> box will do I will just have to search out a stable distribution I
> guess.

Have you considered contacting LinuxCare, or one of the other nationwide
companies that offer Linux support?  I'm sure that they'll be more than
happy to solve your problem in exchange for your credit card number.  If
you're not up to paying for support, have you considered Usenet
newsgroups or the #linux channel on most IRC servers?  Maybe a Deja News
or AltaVista (or even Google!) search could point you in the right

I hope that you'll understand that the Mandrake user community is
relatively small, and we're limited in the hardware that we have
available to us.  For most of us, it's whatever we happen to have on our
home machines.  

Finally, I hope you'll understand that the people who populate these
mailing lists are end users just like yourself.  We're not compensated
in any way by MandrakeSoft or anyone else.  We help each other out of
the goodness of our heart, and because most of us feel some sort of
"debt" to the people who helped us out when we were new.

Thanks for trying Linux,

Steve Philp

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