NOTE: not all vid cards will do 1600x1200 in 32bpp!

I'd run xf86config all over again (back up your existing config file 

it will get to a bit asking you about your monitor,
after you select 'custom monitor' you will be faced with a list of
about 10 video modes, but there will be the last option in the list to
enter your own modes, when you select this you will be prompted for the
horizontal and then the vertical sync. frequencies, (or is it the other
way round!?) just enter these from the book (yes it is a bit scarey as you
can blow you monitor with just a check it carefully)
then after more options (names of monitor, card etc) you will get to a
section asking you about colour depths and screen resolutions.
you can change the resoloution settings for each depth,
eg for 24bpp 1280x1024, .....
by the optin edit modes for 24bpp, 32bpp etc..
note to get 1600x1200 the option is 'a' I think...well it's not a number'll see what I mean when you run it.

note the first mode you select is the default.

NOTE: not all vid cards will do 1600x1200 in 32bpp...
I have a matrox G100 & iiyama VMPro400 and it'll only do 1600x1200 in
24bpp and can check this out in the NT display properties I
But don't select 1600x1200 for a colour depth your card can't support.
Then you can run XF86Setup & xvidtune if you like.

Hope this hasn't confused you more than before...and I hope I haven't got
the wrong end of the stick and gone on about something unrealted!


On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Dominique Cormann wrote:

> >From a console window I typed setup, which brings up the RH setup
> program and part of it is xconfigurator.
> It detects my video card and all just fine, but the highest resolution I
> can choose is 1280x1024. I run NT at 1600 x 1200.
> I am suspecting that it is because my monitor isn't listed and I chose
> custom, and had to choose the settings from there.
> I couldn't specify them, so I think I ended up limiting myself.
> How can I specify the monitors settins ( the manual has the numbers I
> need, just need to know where to enter them )....or can I force the
> video card setup to use a higher resolution?

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