
I just got an application which the developers specify should be run
under Red Hat 5.2.  I've had Mandrake 5.3 installed on our Linux
machines for a while now, and I was always under the impression that
Mandrake 5.3 was exactly Red Hat 5.2 plus KDE.  My problem is that I am
unable to run this particular application on my Mandrake 5.3 machines. 
When I try to run the application by issuing the name of the executable,
I get an error saying, "bash: <executable>: No such file or directory". 
I get this error even if I give the full path of <executable>.  An ls
shows that <executable> is indeed where I think it is.  Trying to the
run the application within its directory with './<executable>' also
gives this error.  Has anyone seen aynthing like this?  Thanks,


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