Can someone shed some light on scsi emulation for me please ?

I offered to put together a howto-type web page on recompiling the kernel to
allow scsi emulation for stuff like cdroast. Before i did that i upgraded my
kernel to the latest 2.2.9-27mdk. I noticed there was a module called
'ide-scsi.o' in the scsi subdirectory of the modules.

So, i (wrongly perhaps) assumed that the whole idea of kernel recompilation
would be unnessary. I added 'alias scsi ide-scsi' into my conf.modules,
added 'hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi' to the append statement in  my lilo.conf,
reran lilo and rebooted.

Nothing. What did i mis ??

Surely i don't need to recompile just to tell the kernel to use the
precompiled module do i ??

Incidentally, if this will work, the machine that i really want to do this
on has an aha152x for my zip drive - is there anything else i need to do to
get the two 'scsi' adapters to co-exist.

If all else fails, i'll carry on with my web page on recompiling!!


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