I use jcc, although it's not much to write home about for GUI BUILDING, it in
itself has a decent gui.  However it's really just a front end and editor for
gcc et al.  Not a dev environment per se, although who really needs a
different c compiler from gcc anyhow.  I'm not sure, but I think it's also set
up for HTML (why I got it, but I've only used it for C code so far)

I don't recall where I got it, it's around somewhere

On Sun, 20
Jun 1999, you wrote: > A friend of mine is thinking about give up with windows
and come to linux > but he has some doubts and I couldn't help him with them. >
He became very impressed with the look of kde and with the resources of >
mandrake in general. We decided to look for a good programing environment. > I
showed him gcc and g++ and compiled some of my own programs but I am > afraid
he was expecting something more.  He is used to work with VC++, > C++Builder,
Visual Basic and therefore he is looking for a environment with > a compiler, a
debugger etc. (everything integrated) with a good GUI. I told > him that I
didn't know anything like that but I could ask for something in > some mailing
lists. > I received some messages and in one of them there was an advice: "Take
a > look at Kdevelop ( http://samuel.cs.uni-potsdam.de/~smeier/kdevelop_new/)".
> Well, we went there and became very impressed with the snapshots and with >
the texts explaining all the capabilities of the program. We downloaded the >
0.4 version and the programs that are needed to have kdevelop running. Here >
our problems started. First, we couldn't compile any of these programs and >
any of them are provided in rpm except kdevelop. > I am looking for someone who
is working with kdevelop and could give us > some tips about having these
programs compiled and working fine in Mandrake > 6.0. If someone is working
with any other development environment (with a > good GUI) and would like to
point it as an alternative I would be grateful. >  > best regards, > Rodrigo

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